Our forms are broken down into pages where possible. Within each page, questions should be broken into sections. Unless the form is short enough to easily follow on a single page, use a new page for each new concept and a new section for each new subject.
When you set up a new form, follow these important steps.
- To avoid disrupting a user’s vertical momentum and to make the form easier to use, all forms should be in a single column. Use the ‘Vertical layout’ layout field for each input grouping on iCM.
- All fields should be the maximum width with label alignment set to ‘top’.
- The encoding form setting should be set to ‘multi part’ to allow file uploading.
- All headings should be in sentence case for consistency. Please see plain English guidelines for more info.
As an example, we have created a simple, two-page form which includes the all basic elements that you might need.